3 posts tagged with goodolddays.
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Upsetting the plate of beans.

I miss the old metafilter. [more inside]
posted by roofus on Nov 28, 2007 - 345 comments

have we completely given up on any standards in the Blue?

Matt, have we completely given up on any standards in the Blue? Is the whole "best of the web" standard officially dead? It seems so, but I would like to hear it from your own mouth.
One look at the wonderful posts on the blue today which will surely continue the so pleasant conversations we have had:
[continued inside]
posted by Seth on Jun 15, 2004 - 283 comments

Imminent demise of Metafilter predicted in 2002....

Imminent death of MetaFilter predicted.
posted by rcade on Jan 31, 2002 - 186 comments

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