6 posts tagged with guidelines and chatfilter.
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I'm puzzled by an AskMe that I think is chatfilter.

I tag chatty questions and they almost always get deleted. Sometimes, though, I think a question is chatty but it doesn't. That's fine of course - I might just be wrong. [more inside]
posted by fritley on Sep 10, 2009 - 78 comments


posted by Doohickie on Apr 10, 2007 - 87 comments

It's a really interesting question though. (but it's chat)

I would like to participate in a disscussion about dumb, funny, or peculiar advice found in a self-help books. Oh, and I'll go first.
posted by bigmusic on Apr 6, 2007 - 25 comments

Why was this question deleted?

why? I was looking forward to reading this one and had marked it as a favorite (as had others). Do we have to explain why we ask each and every question now?
posted by lemonfridge on Oct 3, 2006 - 112 comments


I really like this thread (and, in fact, participated in it, but isn't it pretty much the definition of chatfilter?
posted by dersins on Aug 1, 2006 - 27 comments

Chatfilter Guidelines

Why was this deleted as "chatfilter" while countless indistinguishable threads weren't? [more inside]
posted by cillit bang on Apr 9, 2006 - 53 comments

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