3 posts tagged with guns.
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Let's not use mass shooters' names.

I think that we should avoid using the names of mass shooters when we talk about them. It gives them publicity, which they want. We also shouldn't link to their manifestos, or to sites making money off them.
posted by The corpse in the library on Sep 2, 2019 - 43 comments

I think you may have pulled the trigger too quickly on this deletion

I'm too lazy to go back and delete the title pun. Anyway, this deleted post is clearly a spectacle of horror. But I don't think it's *only* a spectacle of horror. When I heard about this incident, I thought the particulars of the event had the potential to add something new to the gun control discussion in the US. And I think the Metafolk could have handled the discussion. I can understand why some topics, ripe though they may be for nuanced & thoughtful debate, are often off-limits (Palestine e.g.). But I didn't think we got that wild on the gun violence posts. Am I wrong?
posted by univac on Sep 1, 2014 - 110 comments

Or, as a great bumper sticker once said, Safety Third!

Safety First Filter: Can we not advocate actual death, please? [more inside]
posted by grapefruitmoon on Nov 2, 2009 - 233 comments

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