2 posts tagged with hillaryclinton.
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Mefite Election Volunteering

With so many Mefites volunteering for the coming US elections (some in a coordinated fashion), I think a MeTa is in order. Come on in to share tips, stories, encouragement, and more! [more inside]
posted by ThePinkSuperhero on Oct 19, 2016 - 138 comments

post about how Hillary Clinton's morning routine versus Obama's?

A couple of years ago--or maybe longer--there was a post and discussion about how early Hillary Clinton had to get up in the morning, to attend to her hair and makeup, versus how early Obama had to get up, during the 2008 primary. I think it was a discussion of a magazine article. Does anyone remember what I'm talking about? I've searched and can't find it.
posted by Ollie on Aug 27, 2014 - 5 comments

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