4 posts tagged with homosexuality.
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While not disagreeing that it was esentially a stunt, I thought this post by orthogonality was rather good, with the lack of context, the reaction to the material out of context and discovery of that context being features rather than bugs.
posted by Artw on Jun 20, 2010 - 214 comments

My story, on Metafilter

I posted this thread on coming out of the closet several months ago and I've updated it a couple of times since. I left a final update at the end of the thread for those who might be interested. [more inside]
posted by GardnerDB on Apr 13, 2008 - 57 comments

Fake AskMe question?

AskMe questions that read like a letter to Ann Landers c. 1962 are probably fake.
posted by Mayor Curley on Dec 18, 2006 - 89 comments

AskMe coming out confusion

Just curious, do other mefites think the situation/question in this thread is clear? Was it a badly worded post or not understanding what "coming out" means?
posted by Brandon Blatcher on Nov 21, 2006 - 148 comments

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