14 posts tagged with house.
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Metatalktail Hour: Dream Homes

Filling in for Eyebrows, who has been busy with Best Post Contest tagging, I bring you a Metatalktail suggestion from mefite sharp pointy objects, who would love to see members' "links to a home listing of their dream home in their dream city (or area) and [explanation] why this is their dream home/area. I love looking at home listings and would love to see other people's opinions and get to know them better." [more inside]
posted by taz on Dec 10, 2017 - 61 comments

Metatalktail Hour: Calling all Imaginary Architects

Let's design our dream homes -- what special room or feature would you have, in your perfect house/boat/compound? (Money is no object; if you want, we're talking awesome volcano lair with a roller rink and waterslides and the whole deal.) [more inside]
posted by LobsterMitten on Oct 21, 2017 - 124 comments

AskMe thread about Must-haves for home buying

I am looking for an AskMe post from the last three months or so, where the question was along the lines of "my realtor wants me to put together a list of what a new house absolutely must have, and what it must not have, in order for us to consider it. Please help us come up with such a list." Search as I might, for the life of me I cannot seem to find the post. Halp?
posted by vignettist on Aug 24, 2015 - 2 comments

Looking for an old post about a flipped house

I remember reading a post here about a guy who had bought a house that turned out to have been flipped by someone incredibly shady, and the house was full of stuff like vents leading to nowhere, architectural details secretly supported with popsicle sticks, etc. He and his friends then documented the process of making the house livable. I'm having trouble finding it.
posted by showbiz_liz on Jul 31, 2015 - 12 comments

Did you try the medicine drug?

Someone made robocop is bleeding's infamous generic House script into a gif.
posted by bobobox on Sep 14, 2013 - 137 comments

MetaFilter covering election day, vote counting, subsequent wrangling

Assuming any MetaFilter users are interested in writing posts or comments during voting and counting, how will this bloggie handle what will be its 4th US presidential election? [more inside]
posted by Wordshore on Oct 30, 2012 - 71 comments

Survey: Is it customary for shoes to be off in the house?

Following on this very interesting question, I present this survey to fellow Mefites: Is it customary for shoes to be off in the house? [more inside]
posted by Mo Nickels on Jan 4, 2011 - 210 comments

He needs mouse bites to die!

In last night's House the patient needed mouse bites to die. [more inside]
posted by alby on Nov 16, 2010 - 59 comments

Republic in Vancouver tonight for Mark Farina...

Going to Mark Farina tonight in Vancouver. Anyone else going? [more inside]
posted by Unicorn on the cob on Sep 3, 2009 - 8 comments

The Little House in Ballard is now empty.

Follow up to y2karl's post about the stubbornest old lady in Ballard (Seattle). [more inside]
posted by Slarty Bartfast on Jun 17, 2008 - 43 comments

A house at the intersection of technology and politics.

So... I was doing some research online regarding the whole Obama/Rezko real estate issue re: Obama's house, the lot next door which Rezko bought, etc. As a result of my research, I have located Obama's house on Google Maps, which actually has overhead and *VERY* zoomable street-level views of the whole area. I've also checked Zillow, which shows all the nearby property prices. This information is new and very revealing, in that it suggests that Obama might have even slightly overpaid for his house, and that Rezko bought a potentially very profitable piece of real estate. But there are some issues involved, as you may have guessed... [more inside]
posted by markkraft on Mar 17, 2008 - 42 comments

Meetup ever take place in someone's home?

Just curious if anyone's ever had a MeFi meetup in their house. Either drinks or potluck or whatever. Yes, no? How'd it go? Stupid idea or dumb idea?
posted by dobbs on Nov 23, 2007 - 43 comments

Star Wars House Man comes into his own thread

Check it out - Gus somehow heard there was a thread about his crazy starwars filled house & he joined up to set a few things straight. That's the second time I've seen that happen in one of my threads, it's a cool testment to the visability of this place. Also, Matt, I will expect my $2.50, as we agreed.
posted by jonson on Feb 7, 2006 - 37 comments

shopping days until WH indictments

What are we getting for Fitzmas? [mi]
posted by aaronetc on Oct 22, 2005 - 21 comments

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