4 posts tagged with hurfdurf.
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Heurpf deurpf

Metafilter: Home of the newest iteration of Grimm's Law [more inside]
posted by overeducated_alligator on Dec 30, 2010 - 60 comments

ED of About-Face Joins Metafilter

The Executive Director of About-Face, Jennifer Berger, joined Metafilter today to comment in yesterday's FPP about her organization. She responds to some questions and criticisms levied by Mefites in the thread.
posted by emilyd22222 on Jul 21, 2010 - 75 comments

The etymology of HURF DURF

I've seen a few comments recently claiming or intimating that "HURF DURF" originated here, and I would like to set the record straight on this extremely trivial matter. [more inside]
posted by DecemberBoy on Aug 13, 2008 - 92 comments

With a hurf anf a durf and a plate full of beans

Hurf durf beanplating overlord.
posted by dersins on Apr 21, 2008 - 77 comments

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