2 posts tagged with iOS8.
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Warning - do not buy this IOS Metafilter reading App

This app, MetaReader ("an unofficial client for MetaFilter"), is a paid app and (at least under ios7) DOES NOT WORK AT ALL. It crashes on launch. I recently got a refund from iTunes. I did contact the seller via email and twitter two weeks ago and even sent a full crash log in an email but haven't heard anything back - which is why I asked Apple for (and got) a refund. I decided to make a meta to warn others because I am no longer listed as owning the app - because refund - and so can't leave a review on itunes to warn the unsuspecting. [more inside]
posted by Faintdreams on Apr 23, 2015 - 61 comments

Has iOS 8 broken Metafilter commenting?

Ever since I updated my iPad2 to iOS 8, commenting on Metafilter has been a royal pain. If I try to cut and paste part of someone's comment the page will often start to go into a screwy scrolling dance up and/or down and then crash. If I click out of the comment box for any reason it's impossible to resume writing in it (i.e., tapping in the comment box doesn't bring up keypad). Is anyone else having these problems?
posted by yoink on Sep 30, 2014 - 29 comments

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