7 posts tagged with impact.
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How about an update conversation on the post megathread era?

It seems to me that the change has been a positive good for Metafilter. Change being the doing away with the Megathreads. Even the sidebar has stopped moving. What are your thoughts?
posted by Mrs Potato on Dec 16, 2019 - 91 comments

MeFi interferring with real life?

How many of you (if any) have had issues with MeFi interferring with real life? I use a pseudonym because way back in the dark ages of BBS's, I regularly indulged in flamewars and I ended up getting prankcalls at all hours and such. Now, I try not to get sucked into flamewars, but I have a feeling I'm still kind of a dick online, so I hang on to a pseudonym. How about you?
posted by keswick on Nov 15, 2004 - 54 comments

What did you first see on Metafilter that is now a permanant part of your life?

I was listening to Ode To Billy Joe today on a mix in my car and this afternoon I wrote a journal entry in my moleskin notebook. What's the point? These are two things I learned about on Metafilter and that are now part of my life. What did you first see on Metafilter that is now a permanant part of your life?
posted by adrober on Apr 29, 2003 - 43 comments

Mefi usage slips into the real world

I was at an art gallery the other day, signing the comments book for an exhibition. As I wrote my thoughts, I realised I'd slipped into Metafilterese, all personal feelings and heartfelt oaths -- I even wished I could link to something related I'd seen at another exhibition. At the end it took everything not to write my mefi user name at the end. I'm wonder if any other addicts have found their Mefi usage slip into the real world...
posted by feelinglistless on Mar 9, 2002 - 23 comments

Think of the potential power of MetaFilter

Willnot's pledge drive idea below got me thinking. Think of the potential power of MetaFilter (more >>)
posted by chaz on Feb 6, 2002 - 13 comments

Pagerank makes bad people findable

If you search for Bernard Shifman on Google, the number one result is the “Bernard Shifman is a moron spammer” page that was all over the web yesterday. His “official” web page (in an online directory) is now seventh or eighth on the list. Joseph Crosby (GM of the Houston Doubletree) has a similar problem.

If you accept the premise that many people will check out Google before hiring/dating/whatever someone, then these guys are in trouble for the foreseeable future. (more inside….)

posted by jpbutler on Jan 10, 2002 - 16 comments

how has Metafilter changed your life?

The Well celebrated their 15th earlier this year - it changed the lives of many of the people involved - how has Metafilter changed your life?
posted by johnny novak on Aug 31, 2001 - 8 comments

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