4 posts tagged with indie.
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What was that movie post?

I'm trying to find a post on the blue about a low-budget indie movie about the West Coast of the US after some sort of apocalypse. Various tag searches have turned up nada, I think it was last summer. It had quite a spooky documentary style trailer.
posted by Happy Dave on Feb 22, 2007 - 3 comments

Is There a MeFi Policy for In Thread Music Links?

What's the policy on posting music links in thread?
posted by felix betachat on Oct 28, 2006 - 6 comments

Askme history: that thread with the indie playlist for the playground set.

I'm searching for an old AskMe thread where the OP requested a list of indie-rock/indie-pop music that would be good for children. I've already searched tags and AskMe search for various combinations of the terms "kids", "children" "indie" "music" and "playlist" and have not come up with the thread I am remembering. It was not the ice-cream-social thread or the hip-hop for a 10-year-old thread. I seem to recall it was from about 1-2 years ago.
posted by matildaben on Sep 12, 2006 - 6 comments

"indie-music" weblog contributors sought

I'm looking for some webloggers to contribute to my new "indie-music" weblog. I'm looking for weblogging of the most journalistic kind here. Visit my weblog for more information.

Are you passionate about music? Do you read a lot of websites? Give something back.
posted by tweebiscuit on Aug 21, 2001 - 4 comments

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