5 posts tagged with interviews.
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Captain Curbside, Immortalized
I need to give my man a shout-out cuz he won't do it himself... [more inside]
Metafilter Ask/Tell (Interviews)?
Metafilter Interviews or Ask/Tell? [more inside]
Scenes from an Austin Meetup
A series of tiny interviews with attendees of the latest Austin MetaFilter Meetup. Hear the voices of divabat, immlass and spikedmajorhairydick, among several others! Thrill to stories of secret initiations and mysterious orangutans! Find out what MetaFilter has done for us lately! Listen for your humble reporter growing progressively more intoxicated as the interviews go on! It's 25 minutes of completely idle chitchat, friends -- CAN YOU AFFORD TO MISS OUT?!? [more inside]
College interview AskMe?
Some time ago I recall reading a really good AskMe about college alumni interviews. Now I can't find it for the life of me. Help? [more inside]
Rebecca Blood interviews #1
Part one of Rebecca Blood's interview with Matt Haughey, the first subject of her new "Bloggers on Blogging" series; part two is to be posted Friday. Both Matt and Rebecca were listed among the AlwaysOn/Technorati Open Media 100 list.