5 posts tagged with irony.
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In political megathreads, can we please try to be more straightforward.
"punch drunk" is a thing, yeah. I get it.
But there's a whole lot of us who aren't in on the cultural jokes. Or the sarcasm. [more inside]
Awesome deletions abound!
Can I just say that, despite the gravity of the post itself (I thought it was interesting, anyway), I do find it absolutely brilliantly hysterical that a post about four starving tigers eating a fifth is deleted because...
the post was "pretty thin".
are we living through a mefi golden age?
stavros drew some heat for his call to arms for the improvement of metafilter, but we've seen a number of truly superior links posted since the new server went online. are we living through a mefi golden age?
MeFi Behavior
What the hell has been going on these past few days?