4 posts tagged with language and AskMe.
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Unpacking the viral ninja hack guru in the cloud

This AskMe thread about new and overused business cliches/jargon is a thing of beauty.
posted by The Whelk on Jan 10, 2013 - 166 comments

Spaces are for sissies!

Genuine question time: What's up with this question? [more inside]
posted by two lights above the sea on May 19, 2011 - 119 comments

weird phrasing in question

Strange superlative.

I have many delicious vegetarian recipes, but I better not tell this guy. I would hate to be responsible for him punching his mother in the mouth.

Or worse, my mother.
posted by Methylviolet on Sep 26, 2005 - 70 comments

[Max field length is 100] Is a bad choice of words a derogation during Ask Mefi?

Is a bad choice of words a derogation during Ask Mefi?
posted by wendell on Jul 31, 2004 - 34 comments

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