4 posts tagged with lexicon.
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Whence "meh", and can it be stopped? [more inside]
posted by psmealey on Dec 21, 2007 - 147 comments

First-Person Post? Finally Passed Prelims? Fondling&Petting Prohibited?

RedundancyFilter: is it called a Front-Page-Post because there is some ninja-stealth method for posting to "inside" pages? (But then that would just be commenting, right?) Sure, MeFi has its structural and terminological idiosyncracies, but FPP just always seemed... off the mark.
posted by progosk on Aug 2, 2007 - 88 comments

Lexicon community writing RPG

MeFites and MoFites are Lexiconing here. Fake scholarship at its best! Is this a self-link? An us-link?
posted by Baby_Balrog on Apr 22, 2005 - 4 comments

Is there a lexicon--on or offsite--of commonly used idioms hereabouts?

Is there a lexicon--on or offsite--of commonly used idioms hereabouts?
'Snarky' comes to mind, a word to which I took an instant disliking but the exact meaning of which still eludes me. Not being on the Net 'since we were programming Univacs with punch cards--or abaci with cuneiform tablets--etc.' and all that, it would be nice to know common usages...
I await the instant jpoulos response.
posted by y2karl on Dec 5, 2001 - 45 comments

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