7 posts tagged with lgbt.
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How should the issue of non-racial slurs be discussed?

The thread on “Racial slurs that should never be written,” was focused on racial slurs. Several people brought up other types of slurs, but they were told that that thread was not the place to address those slurs. This is the thread to discuss where to address those slurs. [more inside]
posted by NotLost on Jul 27, 2020 - 169 comments

Survey about sexual orientation of surveyor changing results

A while ago on the Blue (I think) I saw an article about an experiment done where the people giving the survey would either make some comment that indicated they were homosexual or not, and the results of the survey changed based on that. I can't find this article now, when I have a speech on LGBT rights. [more inside]
posted by motioncityshakespeare on Mar 22, 2015 - 8 comments

Surely This

The level of naked bigotry in the comments to this thread is absolutely appalling to me. Is it really okay on MetaFilter to flat out claim that transfolk are just making it up?
posted by Proofs and Refutations on Feb 28, 2013 - 929 comments

seething homophobia. seething.

In the recent thread on the pitfalls of writing realistic LGBT characters, I stated how I didn't feel the "predatory gay man" trope was completely out of line given how I had encountered such people in real life. Great nastiness ensued. [more inside]
posted by dunkadunc on Jan 4, 2010 - 602 comments

"...because... because gay men are SUPER FABULOOOUS, geddit? Wait, wait, let me do the voice!!"

MeFi normally does gay marriage stuff just fine. So what happened here? [more inside]
posted by creeky on Oct 3, 2009 - 90 comments

Men do have babies. Ask any transgender man who has had one.

How much anti-trangenderism is considered tolerable? [more inside]
posted by humannaire on Jul 26, 2008 - 90 comments

Bickering ahoy. :(

Breaking news: somebody's shooting off his mouth in a foolish way. [more inside]
posted by boo_radley on Jan 17, 2008 - 75 comments

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