5 posts tagged with lifehacks.
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Fundraising Idea -- MeFi Book(s)

The "Life Hack" question now on AskMe made me think of this. Over the years, AskMe has collected a bunch of enduring info on life hacks and other topics. One or more people could organize that, put it into a booklet form and sell it for the good of MeFi. Or would that be any conflict?
posted by NotLost on Oct 19, 2023 - 51 comments

Metatalktail Hour: Unsolicited advice, please

Happy weekend, everyone! If you're a Mefite, you've probably found a lot of valuable tips on the site, especially in Ask Metafilter, but those threads are usually focusing on a specific problem or situation. Today I'd like to ask you to share your random tips and tricks about anything at all (that's fit to print!). If it's something you've found handy or helpful, if it makes life easier, faster, neater, nicer, or just more fun, please share! [more inside]
posted by taz on Feb 4, 2023 - 165 comments

Searching For A Post About Helpful Tips

I'm looking for an old post from Ask MeFi where the ask was something like "what are your most useful life hacks?" and one of the answers referred to learning that you could tell which way to plug in a lightning cord by looking for the icon on the end of the plug. I have a vague memory that Quora was involved in this person's answer. I don't know if the person who answered specified this tip specifically or if they linked to a Quora site that had this answer. I've searched here and Quora and can't find the thread. All help greatly appreciated.
posted by purplesludge on Dec 21, 2016 - 6 comments

86: Attenblurrowed

The newest podcast features me, jessamyn, and cortex talking about all things October and runs about an hour and forty minutes long. Show notes follow. [more inside]
posted by mathowie on Nov 2, 2013 - 15 comments

No, it doesn't turn blue in the freezer

AskMe thread on chilling Coke, specifically this answer, makes Lifehacker's list of Top 10 Food and Drink Hacks. Comments contain doubt as to the real identity of Mefi's own asavage.
posted by casarkos on Nov 29, 2007 - 85 comments

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