4 posts tagged with links and post.
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Too Many Links

This post is a revised version of a comment I posted a little while ago on this post on the blue by kliuless. My complaint was that the post was really more of a linkdump than a coherent post. It's not the first time kliuless has done this, but I'm not singling them out -- I'm pretty sure I've seen other users do the same thing. [more inside]
posted by Artifice_Eternity on Mar 21, 2023 - 208 comments

What's the policy on removing links?

Policy clarification question: Matt deleted a link to revisionist.org. I'm not necessarily opposed to this, but I do have a few questions: a) What is the history of link removal from FPP - not modification, like adding a NSFW, but under what circumstances are links actually removed? b) When a link is removed for political reasons, what is the rationale behind the removal? [mi]
posted by By The Grace of God on Feb 7, 2006 - 60 comments

It used to be frowned upon to post links from other link agregators/filters. Has it changed?

When I used to read MeFi regularly, it was generally accepted that you didn't post anything from "the usual suspects" such as memepool, boing boing, b3ta, etc. because they themselves are weblogs about interesting, offbeat links and most readers read them as well as MeFi. Seeing as this "LSD art" story has been the top item on memepool for a week, I guess this policy has changed. (This is really not meant to sound rude or snide, apologies if it's taken that way)
posted by SiW on Jan 7, 2004 - 53 comments

Post construction advice wanted

Assuming one has identified 1 interesting front page "lead" post and 3 "supporting" posts that may add value to a discussion. What is the better : a) Include all 4 posts on the front page and be done with it. b)have 1 lead post in the front page and 3 supporting posts in the first comment. c) sprinkle 3 supporting posts one by one as discussion develops. Realize every situation is unique but some general guidance would be very helpful.
posted by Voyageman on Mar 25, 2002 - 6 comments

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