6 posts tagged with livejournal.
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livejournal to emulate mefi flagging system?

As a follow up to this post about livejournal's recent suspension of several hundred user accounts, in his latest update on the situation SixApart CEO Barak Berkowitz name checked metafilter citing us as a good example of community policing.
We know we can learn a lot from other communities that use a combination of reputation software and human judgment to gauge community opinion, and we are now actively exploring how we can let the community "vote" on what is acceptable content in order to create greater consistency.
posted by nerdcore on Jun 9, 2007 - 25 comments

Best cookie recipe?

I'm curious - what are the top 50? Nominees?
posted by jonson on Nov 8, 2005 - 13 comments

How do you quote?

I'm a newbie here.

How do you quote the Preview feature when replying
to other comments in a thread?

btw,i synidicated MetaFilter on LiveJournal the other day.
posted by bearybipolar on Nov 20, 2004 - 14 comments

Localized weblog services?

Pick a language, any language.

LiveJournal has added support for its users to translate the entire site into other languages. Translation teams have formed for over twenty languages, with more on the way.

Are there other localized weblog services out there that anyone is aware of?
posted by insomnia_lj on May 17, 2002 - 7 comments

LJ/MeFi active users?

crap! don't know if this goes under 'general:weblog' or 'metafilter:metafilter related'.

anyways, i'm one of those filthy, filthy livejournal users, and listed in my interests is 'metafilter'. out of the thousands of people who use lj, i've found there's a total of 8 people that share such an interest. but... i'm not sure if they're actually active members. so my question is... is there anyone here that IS both an active user of both mefi and lj, or do they cancel each other out?
posted by jcterminal on Jan 31, 2002 - 10 comments

Blogger vs. LiveJournal Webby War

Ev declares "war" on Livejournal. Yeah, they're pricks - but it may also smack of crass self promotion. Whaddya think?
posted by owillis on Jun 20, 2001 - 11 comments

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