3 posts tagged with markov.
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Your post, "Gorbachev sings tractors: Turnip! Buttocks!" has been deleted....

mccarty.tim's latest project: Worst Post Ever is a "home version of the deleted post game." Bonus: See the red box of deletion in action! (Via Projects.) [more inside]
posted by zarq on Aug 5, 2011 - 181 comments


stuff.metafilter.com? [more inside]
posted by Flunkie on Sep 27, 2008 - 47 comments

mad props anew

This has been posted before, but with so many new users pouring it, I declare it high time to bestow mad props anew to Majcher's excellent and addictive GeneFilter. Just change the username at the end of the URL and get a wonderful Burroughsian cut-up of that user's postings. Great for getting a general flavor of what a user has contributed. Hit reload to create a fresh cutup. Enjoy!
posted by squirrel on Nov 20, 2004 - 70 comments

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