2 posts tagged with masturbation.
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Is masturbation allowed on MetaFilter?

Etiquette question. I was sure - but am now thinking I was mistaken - that one was required to exercise a degree of caution or decorum for how masturbation was mentioned and/or described in posts on the blue. Why, I don't know or can't remember. Ergo, I skipped daintily around the word in a recent post, but a subsequent blunt comment didn't elicit any adverse reactions. Searches across both MetaTalk and the blue don't turn up contentious vexations, so was I mistaken and it's okay to mention masturbation in any broad manner and context, or not? [more inside]
posted by Wordshore on Feb 2, 2017 - 75 comments

A knee-JERK reaction

What the f--k is this?
posted by jpoulos on Sep 10, 2001 - 8 comments

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