4 posts tagged with milestone and metafilter.
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Remember when.

On this day, in 1999, Mathowie posted Metafilter's 100th post.
posted by whimsicalnymph on Aug 26, 2014 - 53 comments

DU's 10,000th comment

DU's 10,000th comment.
posted by Joe Beese on Sep 25, 2009 - 95 comments

that's 3/4th of 100000!

Milestone alert: This deleted thread was #75000
posted by Bonzai on Sep 21, 2008 - 32 comments

Where do I pick up my free sport jacket?

MetaFilter: over 2,000,000 served. [more inside]
posted by psmealey on Feb 4, 2008 - 46 comments

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