DU's 10,000th comment September 25, 2009 7:56 AM   Subscribe

DU's 10,000th comment.
posted by Joe Beese to MetaFilter-Related at 7:56 AM (95 comments total)

:furious applause:
posted by lholladay at 8:00 AM on September 25, 2009

Are we doing this again?

Instead of celebrating people who've made a lot of comments, how about we celebrate the ones who make fewer but more interesting ones?

(Nothing against DU, or delmoi before him, I'm just not sure "has talked a lot on a website to reach a round number" is really worth noting...)
posted by ook at 8:02 AM on September 25, 2009 [21 favorites]

That comment must have been from an impostor-- it came far too late in the thread to really be from DU.
posted by dersins at 8:06 AM on September 25, 2009 [1 favorite]

You know what? Forget I said that. I'm in a snippy mood today for no good reason. And round numbers are awesome.
posted by ook at 8:08 AM on September 25, 2009 [3 favorites]

posted by kittyprecious at 8:12 AM on September 25, 2009 [1 favorite]

What, snippy for no good reason? That is definitely the real ook. No question about it.
posted by ook at 8:13 AM on September 25, 2009

Also if I do this enough I might get one of these threads of my own someday
posted by ook at 8:14 AM on September 25, 2009 [1 favorite]


At my current rate, I project I will have 10k MeTa comments in only 27 more years! 10k Music comments in 30k years.
posted by DU at 8:16 AM on September 25, 2009

Will he show up to the 10,000th comment party in natty-ass sneakers, though?
posted by Optimus Chyme at 8:17 AM on September 25, 2009 [3 favorites]

This is my 767th MetaTalk comment.

Think about it.
posted by The Whelk at 8:22 AM on September 25, 2009

At my current rate of posting, I'll have that many comments sometime in 2130. I suppose at least that gives me time to think up something witty.
posted by TheophileEscargot at 8:23 AM on September 25, 2009 [1 favorite]

Will he show up to the 10,000th comment party in natty-ass sneakers, though?

And a smile.
posted by DU at 8:24 AM on September 25, 2009

In a backwards-ass way this sort of thing really encourages me to get the fuck off the Internet and work on a novel or re-roof my house or something.
posted by Shepherd at 8:34 AM on September 25, 2009 [6 favorites]

And a smile.

And nothing else.

posted by The Whelk at 8:37 AM on September 25, 2009

This is my 4847th comment on the site. I'm going to save the 4848th for something meaningful. If I remember.
posted by rtha at 8:53 AM on September 25, 2009

Damn. I often feel like farting around on MetaFilter is my full-time job, and I don't even have a TENTH of that, adding up all the subsites!

I'm NEVER going to win at MetaFilter. Fuck this, I quit.

congratulations, DU.

I don't really quit.

I missed you so much, MetaFilter.

posted by dirtdirt at 8:58 AM on September 25, 2009

I took a very short break thinking I had to figure out a way to fit metafilter into my life better. Then I realized it was just easier to fit my life around metafilter.

posted by The Whelk at 9:08 AM on September 25, 2009

Think of all the money that could've been made day trading instead.

...or lost.
posted by gman at 9:08 AM on September 25, 2009

DU's 10,000th comment.

and apparently he doesn't give a shit. He already made another one.
posted by gman at 9:11 AM on September 25, 2009

ook writes "You know what? Forget I said that. I'm in a snippy mood today for no good reason. And round numbers are awesome."

I think you bring up a good point. Lots of users are going to be hitting 10K going forward (though to do it in two years is kind of impressive). Heck even just from the 9/11 surge a person averaging around 3 comments a day will be hitting 10K any time now.

I love a good positive call out but hitting a round number of comments is a pretty low bar that could flood Meta going forward.
posted by Mitheral at 9:17 AM on September 25, 2009

I think a time-series analysis of my comment history will show that I'm mainly stealing from my employer, not my life. Which is not to imply that I'm getting so much done IRL either.
posted by DU at 9:17 AM on September 25, 2009

It's occasions like this I wish I knew more MeFites so that I might be able to say "what a wordy motherfucker," and be sure they'd know it was in jest.

What a wordy motherfucker.
posted by explosion at 9:21 AM on September 25, 2009

Let us hear it for the Metafilter First Responders, DU, Mister_A, Artw, and me, keeping the site warm and lively until 5:30 EST. Remember always to keep a tab open for them in your heart. Thank you.
posted by The Whelk at 9:32 AM on September 25, 2009 [1 favorite]

I'm with the original non-conciliatory ook. Who cares about round numbers? What about primes? Wake me up sometime next week when DU hits 10,513 comments.

Pony Request: Like an odometer, after 999,999 comments, can they reset to zero?
posted by ActingTheGoat at 9:45 AM on September 25, 2009

I think it's cool and awesome, but whatever.
posted by blucevalo at 9:47 AM on September 25, 2009

I think it's meh and unremarkable, but YAY!
posted by goodnewsfortheinsane at 9:49 AM on September 25, 2009 [1 favorite]

DU: 10k Music comments in 30k years.

That's assuming you survive the Horus Heresy.
posted by Kattullus at 9:57 AM on September 25, 2009 [3 favorites]

Pony Request: Like an odometer, after 999,999 comments, can they reset to zero?

You become an ascended master; and we shoot you at dawn.
posted by fourcheesemac at 10:02 AM on September 25, 2009 [1 favorite]

This is my 2131st comment in the Mefiverse and I've been here a lot longer than you wordy motherfuckers.

Did I do that right?
posted by deborah at 10:05 AM on September 25, 2009

If I ever get to 10,000 comments, I'll disable my account.
posted by hermitosis at 10:09 AM on September 25, 2009 [2 favorites]

Does that include the [NOT-HERMITOSISIST] comments?
posted by Caduceus at 10:14 AM on September 25, 2009

If I always hit "post" after typing out a comment, instead of saying "ah fuckit nobody cares that much" and closing the browser window, I'd be well into delmoi territory by now.

Also, you would all hate me.
posted by ook at 10:17 AM on September 25, 2009 [4 favorites]

Based on your current posting rate, it will take you 16 years to reach 10,000, and by that time either we'll all be outrunning zombie hordes or commenting to Metafilter by blinking and tasting blue and it'll all be moot anyway.
posted by The Whelk at 10:19 AM on September 25, 2009

So, hermitosis, tell me about yourself.
One post per word, please.
posted by cimbrog at 10:20 AM on September 25, 2009

DU is a wordy rappinghood!
posted by vronsky at 10:35 AM on September 25, 2009 [1 favorite]

That's wordwang!
posted by The Whelk at 10:37 AM on September 25, 2009 [1 favorite]

What a wordy motherfucker.

Flagged for possibly not being in jest.
posted by iconomy at 10:43 AM on September 25, 2009

I've already typed out and then cancelled three separate responses to The Whelk's comment. This is number four.
posted by ook at 10:51 AM on September 25, 2009

posted by The Whelk at 10:57 AM on September 25, 2009

posted by DU at 11:11 AM on September 25, 2009

posted by DU at 11:11 AM on September 25, 2009

posted by DU at 11:11 AM on September 25, 2009

posted by DU at 11:12 AM on September 25, 2009

posted by DU at 11:12 AM on September 25, 2009

posted by The Whelk at 11:13 AM on September 25, 2009

We need to do another run-through of the CPB/Cortex FABAM6 calculation

FABAM6 = (favorited by others / (posts [all sites] + comments [all sites] + questions + answers + playlists)) - all activity occurring prior to May 2006.
posted by Cool Papa Bell at 11:16 AM on September 25, 2009

posted by Cranberry at 11:18 AM on September 25, 2009

Is there a greasemonkey script that will keep track of the number of comments I've made on Mefi without me having to, you know, actually go look at my profile all the time?

I'm looking at you, Plutor.

I am soooo lazy.
posted by misha at 11:20 AM on September 25, 2009

Also, you would all hate me.

Don't worry ook, we can find all kinds of reasons to hate you.
posted by blue_beetle at 11:40 AM on September 25, 2009 [1 favorite]

How about a word count? I guess we could use Export Comments to work out our own.
posted by Pronoiac at 11:44 AM on September 25, 2009

"FABAM6 = (favorited by others / (posts [all sites] + comments [all sites] + questions + answers + playlists)) - all activity occurring prior to May 2006."

Everybody knows that the preferred SAMR metric is Favorites Above Replacement Member, or FARM. FABAM6 has, like, no predictive value. You might as well use Earned Flag Average.
posted by klangklangston at 11:45 AM on September 25, 2009 [5 favorites]

How much more do I have to grind before I level up? The Projects stage is Kicking. My. Ass.
posted by The Whelk at 11:57 AM on September 25, 2009 [5 favorites]

Well I guess that answers my unspoken question about what DU stands for, the D sure as hell doesn't mean depleted.
posted by BrotherCaine at 12:02 PM on September 25, 2009

I think a time-series analysis of my comment history will show that I'm mainly stealing from my employer, not my life.

this is really my main regret about leaving the U.S.; you can really make a lot of money there while still goofing off half the time. I didn't quite understand or appreciate this when I was there. All you people who think you want to repatriate, beware!

bitterness and jealousy aside, I raise a glass to you, DU!
posted by taz at 12:21 PM on September 25, 2009

> Pony Request: Like an odometer, after 999,999 comments, can they reset to zero?

Polynomial request: Floating point kthnx.
posted by ardgedee at 12:30 PM on September 25, 2009

the preferred SAMR metric is Favorites Above Replacement Member

*FishBikes Joe Morgan*
posted by cortex (staff) at 12:51 PM on September 25, 2009

Don't verb me, bro!

(But seriously, I am sad because I do not know who Joe Morgan is.)
posted by FishBike at 1:02 PM on September 25, 2009

People who do know who is are sad, too. There was even a website (no, the website, there was no website above it, and how I mourn its shuttering only months after I first discovered it to exist) dedicated to that particular kind of sadness.

I saw Joe Morgan on one of my Jetblue flights the other night, on the TV, saying something or other but I don't know what because I was doing the natural thing when given a choice between listening to Joe Morgan talk about baseball or not listen to Joe Morgan talk about baseball, that is, I was listening to The Bran Flakes instead and mostly trying to read my book when the actual game wasn't happening.

And I thought, dammit, we're at 35,000 ft and I can't use the internet but I can watch Joe Morgan talk? And if I could use the internet, Fire Joe Morgan wouldn't be updated anyway, whereas if I did listen to what Joe Morgan was saying it'd be something like "holy shit, I still have a job, can you believe my consistent consistency?" or at least on any account it probably wouldn't be "I have just been fired" and anything other than that latter case is basically a travesty.

Is the main thing. Also, food metaphors.
posted by cortex (staff) at 1:39 PM on September 25, 2009 [2 favorites]

I started going off on David Eckstein last night, after hearing somebody on MLB paraphrase Morgan regarding Eckstein's "grit" and "heart." My girlfriend listened patiently, then returned to her book.
posted by klangklangston at 1:59 PM on September 25, 2009

I will say that for the Fantasy Metafilter League purposes, DU will likely go high in the draft. He's a workhorse and, unlike, say, delmoi, who also recently hit the same comment milepost, he's got a favorite-by-others to comments ratio of above one, which will make him a valuable addition to any team. He also tends to hit hot-button topics pretty well, which means that you could build around him, picking up cheaper members as specialists, e.g. Kattallus for his arts and culture tags.
posted by klangklangston at 2:10 PM on September 25, 2009 [5 favorites]

I just noticed I hit 5000 comments with my explanation of a previous comment that, no, I didn't call Morton Downey Jr. Jewish, I just said his style (very New Yoke) would come across as Jewish to a lot of people who'd prefer their populist blather from the more obviously Aryan Glenn Beck, and I have yet to remove my palm from my face. (Also today, woot.com's famous Bag of Crap offer came up while I was away from the keyboard in the bathroom... hellofaday.)
posted by wendell at 2:15 PM on September 25, 2009

Cortex, there was a FJM one-day reunion at Deadspin a few days ago. You're welcome.
posted by Kwine at 2:28 PM on September 25, 2009

this is really my main regret about leaving the U.S.; you can really make a lot of money there while still goofing off half the time. I didn't quite understand or appreciate this when I was there. All you people who think you want to repatriate, beware!

If the stories are anything to go by, I'm pretty sure a shepherdess in Greece has plenty of screwing around time.
posted by DU at 2:34 PM on September 25, 2009

My answer to the question: "What does DU stand for?"
posted by Pronoiac at 3:02 PM on September 25, 2009

DU: "I'm pretty sure a shepherdess in Greece has plenty of screwing around time."

Do you happen to know her schedule?
posted by Joe Beese at 3:13 PM on September 25, 2009

I like DU. He's like a cheese grater. His comments tend to be a bit abrasive but end up being delicious.

Also, he doesn't afraid of anything and eh kills aleins.
posted by Elmore at 3:37 PM on September 25, 2009 [1 favorite]

posted by mediareport at 3:54 PM on September 25, 2009

Also today, woot.com's famous Bag of Crap offer came up while I was away from the keyboard in the bathroom... hellofaday

I thought the only way to get the coveted B.O.C. was using an automated approach?
posted by BrotherCaine at 3:59 PM on September 25, 2009

That was a great analogy and also...tone poem?
posted by DU at 5:02 PM on September 25, 2009

which means that you could build around him, picking up cheaper members as specialists, e.g. Kattallus for his arts and culture tags.

I am suddenly concerned about where and how I fit on the Metafilter Commenting Fantasy League. This is an utterly new and novel worry. I must think on it.
posted by The Whelk at 5:06 PM on September 25, 2009

where and how I fit on the Metafilter Commenting Fantasy League.

I like to think of myself as the backup tight end.

I'm probably not winning most of your matchups for you on a week-to-week basis, but every so often I'll come through with a couple of touchdowns to make the difference.
posted by dersins at 5:25 PM on September 25, 2009

I am suddenly concerned about where and how I fit on the Metafilter Commenting Fantasy League

I want to be a mascot.
posted by little e at 5:25 PM on September 25, 2009

I like to think of myself as the backup tight end.

*starts to type, stops, thinks for a second, erases comment*
posted by The Whelk at 5:27 PM on September 25, 2009

Very tight.
posted by dersins at 5:29 PM on September 25, 2009

klangklangston: picking up cheaper members as specialists, e.g. Kattallus for his arts and culture tags.

I enjoy playing shortstop in kickball. I may or may not like to play shortstop because "shortstop" sounds like a euphemism for "buttplug."

And yeah, I was gonna be all "not that cheap" but I'd play for sandwich and a couple of beers.
posted by Kattullus at 6:15 PM on September 25, 2009

Very tight.

"shortstop" sounds like a euphemism for "buttplug."

I'd play for sandwich and a couple of beers.

And the thread gets interesting.
posted by The Whelk at 6:47 PM on September 25, 2009

posted by hermitosis at 8:33 PM on September 25, 2009

posted by hermitosis at 8:33 PM on September 25, 2009

posted by The Whelk at 9:06 PM on September 25, 2009

posted by The Whelk at 9:06 PM on September 25, 2009

posted by The Whelk at 9:06 PM on September 25, 2009

posted by The Whelk at 9:06 PM on September 25, 2009

Apparently someone doesn't know how an alphabet thread works.
posted by Pronoiac at 2:12 AM on September 26, 2009

But maybe they do....
posted by dersins at 2:24 AM on September 26, 2009

Christ, what an a.... Oh, sorry, wrong thread!
posted by rtha at 5:43 AM on September 26, 2009

Leave Dollhouse out of this.
posted by The Whelk at 8:09 AM on September 26, 2009

Meatbomb hasn't commented in this thread so maybe we can have an alphabet thread without him stomping all over our fun.
posted by Kattullus at 9:00 AM on September 26, 2009

posted by The Whelk at 10:05 AM on September 26, 2009

I used to play shortstop for MeFi, but I got pretty sick and tired of everyone bitching about my low batting average and lack of hitting for power. Come on, motherfuckers, look at all those double plays I turn! I get to balls Ozzie Smith would have bailed out on! But no, it was all smirks about the Mendoza Line. So now I sell beer in the bleachers and am a happy man.
posted by languagehat at 10:28 AM on September 26, 2009 [2 favorites]

Suuuure you're happy, languagehat. No one at all has noticed you gazing longingly at the field when a melee breaks out. Everyone's surprised you haven't jumped the counter to join in.
posted by Pronoiac at 5:05 PM on September 26, 2009

This guy I know can get you 5,000 comments from a comment farmer for a really good price. Guaranteed 75% snark content.
posted by orme at 9:45 PM on September 26, 2009

Under my dead body!
posted by Kattullus at 10:29 PM on September 26, 2009

"Come on, motherfuckers, look at all those double plays I turn! I get to balls Ozzie Smith would have bailed out on!"

You're worth a positional +3, but you were up for arbitration and we thought we could get two draft picks from Fark if you went free agent.
posted by klangklangston at 1:11 AM on September 27, 2009

Yeah, and look at what you got from Fark. Serves you right, you bastards.

Beer here! Cold beer! Getcher ice-cold... Why, yes, that was me who got Kottke out in that playoff game—good of you to remember, sir! Very kind of you!
posted by languagehat at 6:59 AM on September 27, 2009 [2 favorites]

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