5 posts tagged with moderation and discussion.
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Not perfect, but not bad

Why was the gen-x marriage thread closed? Maybe the OP didn't post perfectly and wanted to change something, but it was still a good discussion and the original post wasn't terrible.
posted by melissam on Jul 12, 2011 - 93 comments

We get it already

What to do about users monopolizing threads? [more inside]
posted by nangar on Jun 8, 2011 - 192 comments

Original Loveparade thread was imperfect but why close it?

Is anyone else weirded out by the closing of the original Love Parade tragedy thread? [more inside]
posted by Skwirl on Jul 25, 2010 - 134 comments


I think its time we ban I/P threads completely. This thread gets deleted, while this thread, and this thread stand? [more inside]
posted by rosswald on Jun 25, 2010 - 175 comments

Chairman MaOwie

Metafilter -- dictatorship, monarchy, autonomous collective or religion? [more]
posted by feelinglistless on Jan 29, 2002 - 39 comments

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