5 posts tagged with moratoria.
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Whence "meh", and can it be stopped? [more inside]
posted by psmealey on Dec 21, 2007 - 147 comments

A call to end self spelling corrections

A call to end self spelling corrections. Very gently now....as much as your speling errar stends out to you...few of us even notice and even fewer care. (Even the good spellers among us.)

Do we really need an additional post to point out self spelling errors? Appreciate the courtesy and all...but really.
posted by telstar on Jun 28, 2005 - 106 comments

Last effective moratoria?

Has there ever been an effective MetaFilter moratorium? How long ago was it?

Is it time to declare a moratorium on moratoria?
posted by timeistight on Apr 7, 2004 - 28 comments

Moratorium: SUVs, Iraq war, I/P, DC Sniper

Stop the madness!! Enough SUV threads, enough Iraqi war threads, enought I/P threads, enough threads about the D.C. sniper!!!

Seriously, how bout a sidebar moratorium? Or some call out on the posting page?
posted by jonson on Jan 21, 2003 - 64 comments

moratorium on all the internal squabbling?

Please can we have a moratorium on all the internal squabbling? I thought that was what Metatalk was for. This morning there are two posts (so far) in which the comments have devolved into little more than how bad the original post is. Can't we just let Matt delete the bad threads?
posted by Secret Life of Gravy on Sep 27, 2002 - 15 comments

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