2 posts tagged with multipleaccounts.
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Can mods see anonymous ID?

Two related privacy questions: (a) Can the mods see who has posted an anonymous AskMe? The submission page suggests "no" but the anonymous submission page suggests "yes". (b) can mods see if multiple accounts are created by an specific IP address?
posted by Foci for Analysis on Jul 16, 2011 - 36 comments

Additional AskMe questions for a fee

Shouldnt there be a way, where members in good standing can pay an additional $5 and get to ask another question before their 1 week auto-block is up?
This is functionally the same as getting a second sock puppet account and thus having two accounts from which to ask questions -- without all the run-around and deception.
posted by jak68 on Sep 30, 2006 - 79 comments

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