7 posts tagged with nazi.
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MetaFilter: Nazi bar problem.

I want to discuss how the MetaFilter community addresses comments and users who support or defend Nazi/fascist ideology. A user over in this thread, which discusses Canada's House speaker praising a Nazi veteran, had their comment removed and was given a moderator's note regarding this decision. But I don't find this acceptable. Why would we allow additional comments from this user to be made in that thread? An instant ban would be appropriate for anyone who wants to defend Nazis in this community, otherwise MetaFilter is just setting ourselves up for a Nazi bar problem. I'd like both the moderator team and the community to weigh in on this.
posted by Fizz on Sep 28, 2023 - 240 comments

I/P discussions....

I know it's a hard subject to discuss civilly. I have a modest suggestion on how to improve such discussions. [more inside]
posted by el io on Feb 13, 2013 - 155 comments

Nazi Medicine Post on Mefi?

I think I saw a post on the site a year or so ago about the ethics of using Nazi medical data in modern science. [more inside]
posted by eleanna on Nov 10, 2011 - 14 comments

Thai Nazi Chic

Thailand in the news again with another Nazi parade. Follow up on a previous thread topic. [more inside]
posted by Telf on Sep 28, 2011 - 1 comment


I'd like to take issue with this comment (the "I was a neocon Nazi" comment) being up on the sidebar. [more inside]
posted by loquax on Jan 29, 2008 - 287 comments

Why so much Nazi referencing?

So, when do Nazi references become gratuitous?
posted by dhartung on Oct 7, 2002 - 88 comments

A poignant comment

There is much poignancy seeping between the posts in Paris' "Mel Brooks comment on Hitler" thread. And I must say, because of, well, Paris bringing it up. It may be most important to argue with how one feels emotionally on Mel Brooks' statement, but the sum here is definitely more robust than its parts. I thought everybody's posts lent to deepening the discussion and I've found the thread, thus far, very moving.

This miniscule, though very public conversation is yet another example of humanity working through issues that somehow hypothetically we all will go through, whether in fact we actually do or not. Thanks to Paris for bringing it up and sticking to his guns. And like I said, whether I agree with him or not.

This is pure MetaFilter!
posted by crasspastor on Jun 4, 2001 - 3 comments

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