5 posts tagged with netiquette.
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The etiquette of thread poaching?

Question about thread poaching to external sites. I totally get that everything on MeFi is publicly accessible to anyone and everyone for ever and always. But, I was somewhat annoyed that one of my questions was made into an article on LifeHacker. They did credit it to MeFi, but it still seemed like a cheap thing for them to do (and presumably make money off of). Or at the least, poor netiquette? (Do people even say that anymore?) If I'm being a grumpy old dinosaur, do let me know. Just wondering if there's a precedent for this, and to hear others thoughts on the matter.
posted by stillmoving on Mar 7, 2018 - 38 comments

Can't stop the signal.

Can we please either discuss or determine what guidelines we should be following for doxxing / revealing personal info about the subjects of linked content in a thread? [more inside]
posted by zarq on Aug 7, 2017 - 89 comments

More than one thing can happen in the world at once.

It bothers me that there are always comments trivializing posts about arts, culture, games, or what have you, when there are news events occurring. It seems to lack perspective on what Metafilter is, and to come from a place where the poster assumes that we should all have our attention focused on one particular newsfilter post. (Because Prague is flooding and Turkey is revolting, EVE going down is not of any interest at all!) If you don't find anything interesting in a post, please just go to the next one. There's no need to play posting morality police. Metafilter won't run out of bits.
posted by sonic meat machine on Jun 3, 2013 - 79 comments


I'm seeing Reddit stuff being posted as FPPs on a daily basis. Nothing wrong with Reddit, it's awesome, but I don't get why Reddit is never given any credit. I think giving credit is one of those things that makes Metafilter a nice place and it makes it possible to follow the related Reddit discussion. [more inside]
posted by Foci for Analysis on May 28, 2011 - 154 comments

What should be done to separate rational differences of opinion from hateful propaganda?

According to Friedman of NYT, "thanks to the Internet and satellite TV, the world is being wired together technologically, but not socially, politically or culturally. We are now seeing and hearing one another faster and better, but with no corresponding improvement in our ability to learn from, or understand, one another. So integration, at this stage, is producing more anger than anything else. As the writer George Packer recently noted in The Times Magazine, 'In some ways, global satellite TV and Internet access have actually made the world a less understanding, less tolerant place.'" In some ways, I tend to agree. What can be done? What should be done to separate rational differences of opinion from hateful propaganda?

posted by semmi on May 12, 2002 - 17 comments

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