4 posts tagged with newpost.
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Delete post button on duplicates

Could we have a delete post button on the preview page when a Mefi post has duplicate links in it? At the moment you have to click new post again to delete the draft.
posted by ellieBOA on Feb 6, 2018 - 10 comments

please shorten the new post window by a few hours

I frequently find myself with time to browse, compose, and share content at about the same time of day. Multiple times it's happened that I type my stuff in, hit 'post' and get an error message that I have to wait, say, 18 more minutes, or 6 more minutes. This is mildly annoying. I suggest the post wait time be shortened from 24 hours to say, 21 hours or 23 hours.
posted by bq on Apr 13, 2017 - 42 comments

When is it OK to post an update to an open thread?

Apologies if this comes off as test-post-ish, but I am wondering if there are any unwritten guidelines around when it is OK to post an update on the blue, particularly if there was a former post about the subject and that post is still open. [more inside]
posted by allkindsoftime on Nov 26, 2013 - 35 comments

Desperately Mouthing "Help Meeeeee"

This is too dumb but here goes - I can't post on the mobile site. I can't find the "New Post" links on blue, grey or green. Where are they? (FWIW I can comment just fine, just not post from my phone.)
posted by Omnomnom on Aug 4, 2011 - 51 comments

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