5 posts tagged with nice.
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If you feel up to it, please take a photo of something nice (anything that makes you feel good) and share it with all of us. It can be something on your desk. Something pretty you have hanging on the wall. Or maybe something interesting in your backyard, porch, stoop or balcony. Cute dog & cat photos are encouraged. I just want to look at something pleasant and nice. Stay safe and remember to be kind to yourself and to others.
posted by Fizz on Apr 16, 2020 - 73 comments

Help Me Get My Smile Back?

A strange man screamed at me for no reason today, now I find I need something to help me shake that encounter off, and feel happy again. Details below. [more inside]
posted by WalkerWestridge on Feb 21, 2019 - 96 comments

From MetaFilter With Love

(Glang. Glangalangalangalang.) Nobody does it better. Makes me feel sad for the rest. Nobody does it quite the way you do, baby baby... darlin YOU'RE THE BEST. [more inside]
posted by joseph conrad is fully awesome on Oct 21, 2015 - 22 comments

Be nice to PP.

Be nice to PP.
posted by five fresh fish on Aug 5, 2005 - 10 comments

How do I modify the nice titles javascript?

How are the blue pop-ups (as in y2karl's posts) made?
I'd like to borrow the idea for a web page. I found the nice title web site, but I'd like to change a few things and I don't know how. The java script looks intimidating. I don't want the URL to be displayed, no transparency, and I'd like rounded corners as seen on MeFi.
posted by Termite on Aug 9, 2003 - 24 comments

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