4 posts tagged with optimism.
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Tell me things to recover my optimism / good vibe.

I'm burnt out by all THIS (gestures wildly). Give me strategies to be happy again. [more inside]
posted by signal on Jan 26, 2021 - 39 comments

Would MetaFilter be a better place without relentless negativity?

I'm increasingly concerned about the effects of insistently negative comments on MetaFilter. [more inside]
posted by kristi on Nov 29, 2019 - 159 comments

What Are You Making Now 2: Electric Boogaloo

Hey everyone! This seems like as good a time as any for another “show us a thing you’ve made lately” post. Are you sewing something awesome? Steadfastly baking even in the atrocious heat? Running a role playing campaign? Organizing a community for a better world? It’s time to proudly show off your creations against. [more inside]
posted by ActionPopulated on Jul 8, 2018 - 132 comments


An apology to the community. [more inside]
posted by joe lisboa on Jun 6, 2010 - 97 comments

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