4 posts tagged with pain.
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Looking for a series of comments on the right to live free from pain.

This is very unspecific, but I remember there being a thread somewhere on the site with a discussion about whether people had the right to live free of pain (or maybe it was to live free of offence), and someone said in a succinct and impressive way that no, nobody had the right to live free of pain/offence, but that it was a noble cause to work towards. I've searched my favourite history for the comment/s, but have found nothing. Can you help? [more inside]
posted by Quilford on Jun 8, 2014 - 14 comments

NaNoWriMo 2013

Nanowrimo is a week away, are any Mefites taking part this year? If so, are you a planner or a pantser, and what are you thinking of doing? Last year we had our own Metafilter group and several people took part. If anyone took part last year or previously, share your joys and despairs, and any dirty tricks you used, so that any n00bs out there who don't know what Nano is like can know a bit about what to expect. [more inside]
posted by marienbad on Oct 24, 2013 - 145 comments

Looking for an article that connects bike riding to female pelvic pain

I'm looking for an article that was on the blue within the last few months. It detailed how bicycle seats were damaging to women's pelvises, or something like that. It might also have related to vaginismus. Anybody know what I'm talking about? [more inside]
posted by Cpt. The Mango on May 3, 2012 - 5 comments

Worst FPP ever?

Worst FPP ever? There's plenty of marginally psychotic fetishes out there. This one is neither unusual nor entertaining. There are plenty of specialty sites for this crap (Stile, Rotten), so it would stand to reason that only the most entertaining of it, if any, should make it to Mefi, a more general-interest site.
posted by abcde on Aug 26, 2004 - 43 comments

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