3 posts tagged with personalities.
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hama7 posting style

Okay, let's just talk about hama7. [more inside]
posted by yhbc on Oct 6, 2007 - 183 comments

Some long gone members are back to posting

Like the undead coming back to vote, people who haven't posted in several years are coming back to Metafilter...
posted by jonson on Dec 4, 2005 - 105 comments

just wondered how much MeTa spills over into real life

Having never been to a Metafilter meetup, I have a question.
Do people gravitate together in chat groups in the same way they do online? Do the snarky posters just wander over and interject something trollish?
I know people personally that fit many personalities found here, and just wondered how much MeTa spills over into real life, by those who have met them.
posted by Balisong on May 27, 2005 - 70 comments

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