4 posts tagged with placeholder.
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Back button with iPhone 11 snaps to top of AskMeFi page
When I am under the fold and then swipe to the right to go back to the main page, it snaps back to the top of the page instead of where I left off. So I need to scroll down to find where I was. It doesn’t happen with other MeFi pages or other pages in general, just AskMeFi. I use Safari. It’s so annoying I often just give up! Please help. [more inside]
Mefi Bookmark
Is there any sort of script or add-on that will allow me to bookmark my place in long threads, so I can go back to exactly where I was? I use Firefox and have Greasemonkey.
I made an ill considered remark in timsteil's folkstreams post and he made a polite response which made me feel ashamed after I saw his consternation. I wanted to clarify my harsh out and went to make a clarifying comment when my computer crashed and I had to reboot. And when I got back, I made my comment and then saw his was already deleted. I am getting so sick of the editing of our conversations.I really think sometime that there should be placeholders for all deletions you make. You are overdoing it, in my estimation. [more inside]
Using favorites to mark progress in reading massive threads?
RFP (Request For Pony): A way to bookmark a specific location in a thread, so that the number of comments from that point onward (rather than from my last comment) shows up in my Recent Activity. [more inside]