8 posts tagged with projects and voting.
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Remove voting from MeFi Projects

I think voting should be removed from MeFi Projects. What do others think? [more inside]
posted by overeducated_alligator on Jan 13, 2016 - 79 comments

Voted. Unvoted. Voted. Unvoted.

Not terribly important but: is there any way to reverse a vote in the projects page? [more inside]
posted by Memo on Jan 17, 2008 - 9 comments

Project Voting

Curious: is it just me or has the number of votes cast in Projects dropped significantly over the last month or so? It seems like in the heady formative days you couldn't walk more than two feet without bumping into a project with 25+ votes. What's the bigger culprit: declining quality in posted projects, or declining visits to the Project page altogether?
posted by bjork24 on Jul 26, 2006 - 22 comments

Project Voting

Is there a quick and simple way to view all the projects I've ever voted for? I vaguely recall someone asking about votes in people's profiles ("...and voted for # projects") but I can't find it (or the answer)
Now that we have our favorites so nicely organized, I wanted to go back and find the projects I had previously voted for, because some of those were probably things I would also want to favorite.
I'm clicking all over the site (profile, projects, comments, favorites) and can't find what I want...
posted by easternblot on Jun 26, 2006 - 9 comments

Voting on Metafilter Projects?

Now that the contest is over, what is the point of having voting on Metafilter Projects? Anyone who wants to post the project to the front page can do so—no matter how many votes there are—and in most cases, having comments there instead of voting could provide the poster with valuable criticism and advice.

Is it just the worry that people will write mean things about the projects?
posted by interrobang on Apr 10, 2006 - 78 comments

Projects Voting

In what order is the list of users who have voted for an individual post on the Projects site? It's not user number, it's not alphabetical, and it's not in the order of when users actually voted...
posted by Robot Johnny on Nov 21, 2005 - 1 comment

Mefi Projects: I know it's beta but I'm still unable to vote.

Mefi Projects: I know it's beta but I'm still unable to vote. This makes me sad.
posted by panoptican on Nov 18, 2005 - 15 comments

Problem Voting on Projects

Can't vote on Metafilter Projects. No matter which browser I try (Opera, Firefox, IE, Mozilla) I cannot vote on any of the MeFi Projects. I get the following message: There was an error recording your vote. I've done the cookie-clearing logout/login and still get the same error.

I realize the section is still in beta so it's not a huge deal. I just wanted to give a heads up since several other people are having the same problem.
posted by LeeJay on Nov 10, 2005 - 13 comments

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