4 posts tagged with questions and resolved.
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is it rude to respond to old or resolved questions?

Hello, I am fairly new to posting answers on Ask Metafilter. I have a general question which I hope is not foolish. I also hope that I am asking in the correct place (I checked the FAQ and also searched MetaTalk with possible keywords but am not sure). My question is: if many days have gone by since a question on Ask Metafilter was posted, or if a question has been marked as "resolved" by the Asker, is it okay to add your comment or is that considered rude (since the question was resolved or the question has become outdated)? I assume it would help members who are catching up after some time has passed, as well as non-members who are Googling for help with similar issues, but I am not sure what the community protocol is and do not want to offend. I am also asking this because I do not come online regularly, and often when I log on I see quite interesting questions that I would like to respond to, however several days have gone by or it has been marked as resolved. Thank you for all your help :)
posted by partly squamous and partly rugose on Jan 7, 2014 - 29 comments

Request: a way to mark our questions as resolved.

I'd love to see a "conclusion" feature to many of the askme questions. For instance, even if it's months later, I could go into a question I asked and mark it "concluded" and give a quick summary of what happened when I followed the advice.

Once someone marks something "concluded" it would go to its own "conclusions" RSS feed, which we could subscribe to if we want to know "the rest of the story" on many of the questions asked.
posted by visual mechanic on May 13, 2006 - 41 comments

Is that +1 geeky or -1 geeky?

People leave comments such as "+1 funny" or "-1 section". Given that this ranking system doesn't exist on MeFi, is it a wank, showing how l33t they are, and familiar with geeky norms at other sites like /. and k5? Or is it an acceptable shorthand for "I like this" or "I think this is dumb"?
posted by wilful on Nov 2, 2005 - 103 comments

What about a quick way to mark best answers or solutions in askme?

It would be nice, for the sake of closure, if there was a quick way of checking what solutions were eventually chosen by those who Ask MetaFilter, after having considered the answers provided to their questions. [More inside.]
posted by MiguelCardoso on Jan 13, 2004 - 22 comments

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