15 posts tagged with race.
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#poctakeover: The White Allies Thread

Following on from the massive work done by the POC community within MetaFilter, it was suggested in that MeTa that we set up a thread as a sort of “White Caucus”. Welcome to that thread! [more inside]
posted by greenish on Jan 23, 2020 - 107 comments


Have you noticed an increase in posts about race by people of color lately? It’s not just your imagination. Come and learn about our #poctakeover initiative, and our major takeaways in trying to provide a vision of what a site truly inclusive of people of color would look like. [more inside]
posted by Conspire on Jan 13, 2020 - 95 comments

Person of Color thread #4

Metafilter's fourth open thread for discussions by people of color. [more inside]
posted by mordax on Sep 30, 2019 - 31 comments

Person of color only thread #3

Hello again! This is Mefi's third person of color thread (1, 2). As before, it's a space for discussion for Metafilter members of color, so before posting please take a look at the guidelines posted inside, thanks! [more inside]
posted by Brandon Blatcher on Aug 28, 2019 - 59 comments

Another person of color only thread

This is a follow-up to the previous and wonderful people of color thread. Consider this a space for discussion for people of color. Before posting take a look at the guidelines posted inside, thanks! [more inside]
posted by Brandon Blatcher on Jul 23, 2019 - 96 comments

Meet and Greet: MeFites of Asian descent

In one of the recent MeTas about race, I mentioned that I often notice other Asian posters, appreciate their contributions, and would love to talk to them about our experiences in a neutral setting. So, I'm making a thread! [more inside]
posted by sunset in snow country on Nov 13, 2015 - 85 comments

Bad deletions

I have seen at least three really great posts on the NAACP situation deleted in the past few days. I guess there's a new Metafilter policy on this, but can the mods explain their reasoning? It doesn't seem, to me, to be newsfilter or "weird lady" filter, since the deleted posts have very good context and interesting depth.
posted by roomthreeseventeen on Jun 14, 2015 - 1567 comments

Habeas factus

This post ought not to have been deleted. The reason given: "This post was deleted for the following reason: Seems like an interesting and pretty fucked-up case, but most of the links here seem like they're kind of filler material and if the meat of the post is essentially "read this legal PDF" it might need to be presented a lot more in those terms, or with some good long-form journalism or analysis. Otherwise we've just got folks arguing about rape charges yet again. -- cortex" [more inside]
posted by anigbrowl on May 24, 2012 - 203 comments

It's a Favorites-Off

I made Griphus and Greg Nog race to 30,000 faves. And the winner is... [more inside]
posted by functionequalsform on Mar 15, 2012 - 184 comments

Mefites talk about race and cultural context like this...

Hey, Metafilter. Why did this conversation about Amy Chua's book excerpt go so badly? [more inside]
posted by peachfuzz on Jan 10, 2011 - 240 comments

Why are people who oppose racism often reluctant to discuss class?

Why are people who oppose racism often reluctant to discuss class? In the Jackson Jive incident, five upperclass Australians, four white and one Indian, did an astonishingly racist skit that was paid for by the show's upperclass producers, yet in the discussion on MetaTalk, the idea that this might have something to do with class was only brought up as a joke. [more inside]
posted by shetterly on Oct 9, 2009 - 6 comments

Should we FPP the Obama speech?

Should we FPP the Obama speech? Some debate here. On the one hand it seems like it would be doomed to deletion as we have two open Obama related threads. On the other hand it's a really big deal, and (IMHO) rises above NewsFilter into Best Of The Web because it's such an incredibly good speech. Also those other threads are way below the fold. Thoughts?
posted by Artw on Mar 18, 2008 - 414 comments

“Confusion is an often too subtle sign of paranoia.”

Upon reading some responses in the "Shooty" post, I have a basic question that has started to bother me and I hope it is appropriate to post here. Why, when there is debate sparked over anything in general, does it seem to always point to Republican/Democrat, Race or Income? More inside:
posted by ForeverDcember on Apr 24, 2007 - 74 comments

Is this questions creepy and/or offensive?

Is this ask.mefi question creepy and/or offensive?
posted by chunking express on Mar 7, 2006 - 119 comments

Is the MeFi demographic overwhelmingly white and pale-faced?

Is the MeFi demographic overwhelmingly white and pale-faced? Where are the minorities?
posted by MiguelCardoso on Jul 2, 2003 - 112 comments

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