9 posts tagged with ratio.
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Biggest comment-to-favorite ratios? [more inside]
posted by curuinor on Nov 26, 2011 - 40 comments

self-cenetered and unsociable

Users who post AskMe questions but never answer others' appear self-centred and unsociable. What about a user who answers a tonne of questions, but never asks any? Is that user a know-it-all?
posted by loiseau on Jan 11, 2007 - 100 comments

Highlighting best answers in profile

Would there be a way to either determine the percentage of a user's responses to AskMe are marked as "Best Answer", and/or be able to list out only those response marked as "best answer" to be displayed as part of a user's profile?
posted by Doohickie on Jan 10, 2007 - 95 comments

I don't know how to use favorites

i've got no problem with users who like to hand out favorites like they mean nothing, but, really...
as an aspiring user of metafilter, i'm not quite sure how to grant these special little clicks (especially in light of this). is there a proper ratio one might strive towards of posts i favorite versus posts of mine favorited by others? if not, is there some other measure which might guide me in my favoritism?
posted by localhuman on Dec 2, 2006 - 141 comments

Beign a good answerer on askme

Two related questions:
1) Is there a ratio of answers posted to questions asked on AskMeFi that makes one a good citizen? Does only asking questions and never offering answers make one selfish?
2) If one's answer to a question has already been posted, should the same answer be posted again? Is reposting an answer a way to "vote" for that answer and show that multiple people think it's the best, or does a repeat answer that doesn't include any new information just get in the way of answers that have something new to them?
posted by andoatnp on Nov 12, 2006 - 29 comments

Seriously, do I need to answer more than I ask?

What approximate Question/Answer ratio I should attempt to maintain to avoid this sort of static in responses to my own AskMe questions?
posted by The Confessor on Sep 2, 2006 - 67 comments

Proposal: visible ratio of questions answered to questions asked

Petty Pony Request: Although it's easy to find out a persons AskMe ratio of questions to answers, I think it'd be nice to see that information on the comments page. It sounds quite childish, but I'd rather focus any answers I have towards those who themselves answer questions.
posted by seanyboy on Feb 26, 2005 - 45 comments

meaning of your metafilter to metatalk ratio

A diversion: what is your MetaFilter to MetaTalk ratio? Linkwise and commentwise? And what does it say about you?
posted by MiguelCardoso on Nov 14, 2001 - 53 comments

highly consistent in my 2 comment:1 link ratio

I want to feel more meta, but I seem to be highly consistent in my 2 comment:1 link ratio. CrazyUncleJoe clearly has me beaten on that front, but is that really a measure of metatude? More than likely, it's my lack of lists of lists of lists of links to other places.
posted by plinth on Mar 23, 2000 - 1 comment

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