4 posts tagged with reference.
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How do you track and curate your favorite threads for future reference?

I've marked a ton of threads on the blue and green as favorites for later reference (recipe questions, fitness recs, etc). When I want to find something later I either do a Google boolean search (ugh) or poke around and scroll through my favorites list, but both these options are a drag. [more inside]
posted by _Mona_ on Dec 23, 2014 - 24 comments

Help me find the askme about references?

Not academic references. I think someone was giving something handmade to his or her brother, and someone else might have suggested almanacs, but I can't find it, or anything like it. I'm looking for lists of useful things to be able to look up on a piece of paper, back of a book. I know my times table, and don't find much need to convert between weights. But my damned ADhDled brain can't remember or think of things I look up repeatedly.
posted by b33j on Oct 19, 2013 - 7 comments

Kaycee Nicole is back

Eleven years later, Metafilter and Kaycee Nicole is the subject of today's Now I Know (a daily email that I highly recommend).
posted by saeculorum on Sep 24, 2012 - 113 comments

Can I answer without reference?

With regards to AskMe: if I have experience with the subject of a question being asked, but my answer is anecdotal, unconventional, and basically just hard to support with any well-known reference, is it worth posting?
posted by invitapriore on Jul 24, 2005 - 17 comments

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