4 posts tagged with retirement.
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LM retiring
Hi Mefites - over the last few months I've been stepping away from my role as moderator here. I wanted to take this chance to make it official and say Thanks for all the fish. [more inside]
Hey MetaFilter! I have some happy/sad news: I’ve taken another job! I will still be around here, but professionally I’ll be moving on. [more inside]
On March 4, Matthowie announced he was retiring. On March 7, he commented that he'd be getting his retirement thread printed as a book. If you've been putting off signing his Internet retirement yearbook, you've get less than 24 hours to come up with an exciting message.
102: Retired
Episode 102 was recorded yesterday and completed moments before we made my retirement post live so things are a little weird and scattered since I didn't know how people would take it yet. It runs about 90min long and covers the month of February on the site. [more inside]