4 posts tagged with return.
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Happy to be back...

A little bug came across me, out of nowhere, and reminded me: MetaFilter! It's been a handful of years since I've posted, and over a decade since I joined - with the Facebook et. al controversies of the world, I am thrilled to be back on the first "social network" community I joined aside from the myriad forums of the late '90's and early naughties. I am beyond thrilled to see that the same substance that drew me here to begin with is alive and well (HTML tags, yes!). Any other folks return after an extended hiatus? I have some profile work to do here but, feedback wise - is the magic still here? It still seems like it but we are fantastic at tricking ourselves into what we want to believe.
posted by deacon_blues on Apr 18, 2018 - 36 comments

Metatalktail Hour: Return

Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week's conversation starter is from Wordshore, and he wants to know, "Where have you been that you want to return to? And why? Maybe a holiday place, a difficult-to-reach island, the city where you found love, a childhood playground, that diner you stopped at one time, a beach, or that quiet forest with only the sounds of trees and animals. Or, perhaps somewhere closer to home (or maybe even your home itself)." [more inside]
posted by Eyebrows McGee on Jul 22, 2017 - 108 comments

Suddenly Nicky

Look who's back!
posted by netbros on Aug 2, 2008 - 157 comments

The pantsfish returns!

The Q man shows signs of life again. Welcome back!
posted by clevershark on Oct 21, 2005 - 43 comments

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