4 posts tagged with robocopisbleeding.
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It's a message board that isn't really around much anymore...

During the most recent Sh!tpost Podcast, Jared Holt interviews Christian Vanderbrouk of twitter and lately Bulwark fame. Metafilter is mentioned. [more inside]
posted by Telf on Mar 26, 2019 - 72 comments

Did you try the medicine drug?

Someone made robocop is bleeding's infamous generic House script into a gif.
posted by bobobox on Sep 14, 2013 - 137 comments

He will be the next Dread Pirate Roberts

Everyone's favorite Robocop and Banjo's baby boy was born today!
posted by zizzle on Jul 28, 2010 - 114 comments

The Wheel

In the middle of this thread, robocop is bleeding has written a truly awesome short story. Shades of... I dunno, Chuck Palahniuk, maybe? It's seriously that good. rib, have you published an anthology? 'Cause I'd buy it.
posted by Faint of Butt on Feb 16, 2007 - 59 comments

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