6 posts tagged with rudeness.
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What's with the 'tude?

There's always some drive-by snideness any time someone posts an AskMe post that mentions education in any of the humanities. This question from last night is an entirely valid question and is in good faith. Some of the answers, not so much. [more inside]
posted by oinopaponton on Dec 10, 2009 - 101 comments

Bolding an entire askme question is annoying

My AskMe question is more important than all the others, so I'm going to make it bold.
posted by null terminated on Jan 29, 2009 - 95 comments

Adding unsolicited, uninformed "via"s to other people's posts is the height of rudeness.

Adding unsolicited, uninformed "via"s to other people's posts is the height of rudeness. And usually not even accurate.
posted by signal on Aug 2, 2006 - 42 comments

Newsfilter, selfmoderation and namecalling do not make for a good post

In this thread, the poster begins with a cluster of mainstream political news links from BBC, Guardian, MSNBC, proceeds with with a healthy dose of self-moderation, and climaxes with "You're a lying SOB. Fuck off" for good measure, effectively derailing his own thread as one user points out. Aren't these exactly the kinds of posts we try to discourage?
posted by dhoyt on Jan 28, 2005 - 40 comments

i just want to make a quick comment about the post on stuttering.

i just want to make a quick comment about the post on stuttering. c'mon folks, can we not keep the level a little more intelligent than this?
posted by will on Jul 3, 2001 - 11 comments

I'm tired of clutter

Can metafilter members please email individual users with factual corrections that do NOT pertain to the discussion at hand? I'm tired of clutter, and at times, public rudeness.
posted by SpecialK on May 15, 2001 - 12 comments

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