2 posts tagged with scammer.
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Long, Fascinating Article About an NYC Scammer
A professional photographer in New York City attempts to pull the perfect apartment scam. He almost gets away with it…until one of his victims turns the tables and locks him out of his own apartment. (8,000 words, but worth the read)
What happened to airnxtz?
Remember airnxtz? He's the dude who came to AskMefi to help plan his eventual EBay scams. The thread is a must read if you haven't already been.
Here's the thing.. it's missing an ending! I want more! But where the hell should I post it? What more can be done? We did so much... to end up signifying nothing. :(
Here's the thing.. it's missing an ending! I want more! But where the hell should I post it? What more can be done? We did so much... to end up signifying nothing. :(