10 posts tagged with second.
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No Leap Seconds here
I take it that Metafilter dodged the bullet tonight? [more inside]
Ugh, all RIGHT, mom, I get it.
Why do people feel the need to post the same (obvious) advice other people have given, especially after the asker has already marked the best answer? [more inside]
Nothing and Nthing
Whence Nthing? Isn't the word "seconding" meant to include multiple votes of support? Is this something peculiar to Ask Metafilter?
Show me more show me more, is it love at first sight
I have found a bug. You can never get to the second+ page of a tag search. [more inside]
Beign a good answerer on askme
Two related questions:
1) Is there a ratio of answers posted to questions asked on AskMeFi that makes one a good citizen? Does only asking questions and never offering answers make one selfish?
2) If one's answer to a question has already been posted, should the same answer be posted again? Is reposting an answer a way to "vote" for that answer and show that multiple people think it's the best, or does a repeat answer that doesn't include any new information just get in the way of answers that have something new to them?
1) Is there a ratio of answers posted to questions asked on AskMeFi that makes one a good citizen? Does only asking questions and never offering answers make one selfish?
2) If one's answer to a question has already been posted, should the same answer be posted again? Is reposting an answer a way to "vote" for that answer and show that multiple people think it's the best, or does a repeat answer that doesn't include any new information just get in the way of answers that have something new to them?
Can I second reasons for deletion?
I wish I could post "Excelent Reason" to deleted post reasons.
OK to compliment AskMe response?
Is it befitting to compliment a response in Ask Metafilter?
Ditto. The processed white sugar of replies.
cheerleading/jeerleading: new info or be quiet
Cheerleading posts. (Or their opposites: let's call them jeerleading.) We're seeing more of them. They don't add to threads: and if you're the one being praised, it's a bit embarrassing.
Can we just take it for granted that some people will agree, others disagree, and that if you want to support an argument, you should either provide some useful background or suggest other lines of discussion?
Can we just take it for granted that some people will agree, others disagree, and that if you want to support an argument, you should either provide some useful background or suggest other lines of discussion?
Second Anniversary of the First (Extant) Post
I know the anniversary of the domain name has come and gone, but did you know that the oldest extant post to Metafilter will have its second birthday on Saturday? Planning anything special?