6 posts tagged with server and metafilter.
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Is anyone else experiencing instability with MetaFilter today? I've had a fair number of time-outs and slow-downs with site loading and refreshes. It seems only limited to this particular site. Just checking in.
posted by Fizz on Mar 17, 2018 - 17 comments

Direct your gopher client to gopher://gopher.metafilter.com

You (well, jessamyn) asked for it, and we (well, pb) delivered: after fifteen years of downtime, the MetaFilter gopher server is back. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Feb 24, 2016 - 158 comments

No Avoiding Google

I was initially trying to read the metafilter post There's No Avoiding Google+ and I kept getting a server error: Your Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.31 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/26.0.1410.64 Safari/537.31 [more inside]
posted by UsernameGenerator on Apr 16, 2013 - 28 comments

What does the metafilter server look like?

Tanks for the new server. Can we see a picture of it? [more inside]
posted by 6am on Feb 6, 2009 - 140 comments

Weeee're back

Ugh. Ok, we should be back now, mostly working. I'm sure there are lots of little things I need to fix and I'll try and get things going over the next couple days.
posted by mathowie on Mar 26, 2007 - 146 comments

Server log retention policy?

So, Matt, what are your server log retention policies. This is not a snark, it's a serious question. I'm American, and I don't trust my government.
posted by theora55 on Feb 9, 2006 - 129 comments

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