5 posts tagged with sitePolicy.
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confirming - occasional chatty posts on the Blue?

I seem to recall that chatty posts on the Blue were discouraged, but that that's changed (hence the rise of the weekly-ish Free Thread). Can we confirm policy and maybe get it in the FAQ? [more inside]
posted by kristi on Jun 10, 2024 - 20 comments

Should we change our norms around what makes a good answer in AskMe?

Hello fellow MeFites! I'm wondering if we can discuss as a community the possibility of shifting the site norms and policies around what makes a good AskMe answer. Is this something others would be interested in and what would be a good norm/policy for you? [more inside]
posted by capricorn on Feb 13, 2017 - 157 comments

Can we just stop doing this?

This post is one of a number of posts I have seen on the site over the years exalting the dumb, dangerous, and illegal practice of trainhopping. Can we just call a moratorium on these posts? While I think I probably am more sensitive to this issue than most people here because reasons, I'd be exceptionally distressed and pained if someone were killed or injured doing something they saw romanticized on Metafilter.
posted by pjern on Dec 17, 2015 - 153 comments

You sound just like a _____!

There is currently a practice across Metafilter, especially within Metafilter proper (the Blue) and Metatalk (the Grey) of making personal attacks against other users that I feel undermines the community aspect of the site. The attacks I am concerned with most often take the form of ugly insinuations that the user is deliberately derailing, trolling or using common tactics which are allegedly known to be popular with (in alphabetical order, thee could be more, these are all I could think of when I set about making this thread):
  • Anti-Semites
  • Bigots
  • Conservatives
  • Misogynists
  • MRAs
  • PUAs
  • Racists
  • Redditors (specifically, usually The Red Pill subreddit)
  • TERFs
  • Transmisogonists
[more inside]
posted by misha on Sep 8, 2014 - 1208 comments

LOL, don't look at the comments!

I feel that recently i've noticed an uptick in something really tiresome in the comments of FPPs. Mainly, nearly every time a poster or a commenter links to an article that's remotely controversial to the general world, and therefor attracts crappy comments, someone in the comments here just can't resist the urge to go "Oh man, wow, those comments sure are shitty aren't they!" [more inside]
posted by emptythought on Aug 6, 2014 - 107 comments

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