4 posts tagged with skin.
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bizarre skin condition part 2
Did someone already post the follow up to the post about the guy with the disfiguring growths on his hands? If so, I missed it.
MeFi skins/theme support?
Any plans for MeFi skins/theme support? The skins are designed by the users, for example at LinkFilter.
yep. i'm still working on that mefi amp skin...
yep. i'm still working on that mefi amp skin...
Mefi themed winamp skin requested
Last night I was wandering around DeviantArt
downloading a few Winamp skins, when I realized that noone had ever made
a MeFi themed Winamp skin. With all the programmers and graphic designers
among the MeFaithful, I woulda thought someone would've thrown something
together. I'd do it myself, if my complete lack of artistic talent wasn't
an issue. so who'll rise to the occasion?