14 posts tagged with small.
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Calling all Cards!
Having just mailed my cards for Project G.I.V.E. M.E. (that is, Great Internet Valentine Exchange, Metafilter Edition), and having had at least as much fun as I did with the winter holiday cards, I'm wondering if there's enough momentum and interest for another project. [more inside]
teeny tiny
Concerning small text. [more inside]
I don't want to get reading glasses yet!
Okay, yeah, doing stuff in smaller script can be funny and all. But pretty, pretty please, can people at least do it in small rather than SUPER-small, like this? (It makes me feel old, man!)
One pill makes you larger... and one pill makes you smaller.
The text was small for a reason. Font size can be important in meaning and expression. [more inside]
Big text for small screens
Small Favorites are Small.
I like My Favorites when it's legible... [more inside]
New Mail Pony?
MeFi Mail Pony Request -- I often miss that I have new messages because the icon's so goshed darned tiny and doesn't call attention to itself in any way. Since I *rarely* get MeFiMails (no one likes me), can we get something like, say, a blink tag or a .wav that says "You've got Mail!" or something up there when we have new mail? [more inside]
what is the deal with the small and large tags on AskMefi?
I know this has been discussed already and even used as an excuse for the guys here to show off their font skills, but what is the deal with the small and large tags on AskMefi? They exist but there's no script or interface that lets a novice change the size of his or her font in the post? Is this a way of regulating some from emphasizing words? Just want some history here... Thanks.
Display bug in My comments.
My comments, how I love thee, let me count the bugs.
Yeah, so how do you do the tiny text thing?
Yeah, so how do you do the tiny text thing? You know what I'm talking about. It seems it's not the "h6", "small", "tiny", "font size=""", or "li'l" tags...
Wording of the preview button on AskMe
When posting a question to AskMefi or a thread on MetaTalk, the preview button says "Preview the Link." Should it say "Preview the question" or "Preview the post" instead? (Is no nit too small for picking?)
The use of small tags in front page posts bothers me
The use of small tags in front page posts bothers me. If something is worth saying, it's worth saying properly. A lot of the time it is used for unnecessary commentary about the post itself. Don't! Other times it's used to lessen the impact of a longer post on the front page, but preserving front page space by simultaneously posting less useful content seems like backwards logic to me. In preferences, I've set my small font size the same as my general font size, but it doesn't work.
Small text doesn't mitigate excessive length
Small text doesn't mitigate excessive length, karl. It exacerbates it, by making ALL THAT harder to read. What? Are you trying to make less work for those of us who will scroll past it? If you want to be read, leave your Iraq links + editorializing legible and stop pretending they don't take up as much space as they do.
Is the front page shrinking?
Is the front page shrinking? (more..)