4 posts tagged with startup.
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Please help me find this post

I'm looking for a MeFi post about people setting up a co-op in San Francisco. The core people involved treated it as a startup, almost, and a few others would cycle in and out of the house. There was an interview process to join the co-op. I just can't seem to find it; thanks for any pointers.
posted by They sucked his brains out! on Feb 18, 2024 - 5 comments

funny ask/discussion about startup commercial cliches

Does anyone remember what I think was an Ask thread about bad startup commercial cliches? Ukelele, whistling, hand clapping, etc.? If so, can you link it here? Many thanks!
posted by bookworm4125 on Jul 21, 2016 - 5 comments

Paradigm shifting the edit window

We're kicking off a trial partnership with tech startup Spell, Actualy to reduce the moderation load of edit-window-related site activity. Help us test out the new process inside! [more inside]
posted by cortex on Apr 1, 2016 - 517 comments

Apache startup page found on AskMe

Using Camino on OS X, I get the Apache startup page ("Test page for Apache Installation" is the Title) when I try to go to ask.metafilter.com. I can't reproduce it on either Safari or Firefox on my machine, only Camino.
posted by vacapinta on Sep 14, 2006 - 7 comments

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