5 posts tagged with subscribe.
Displaying 1 through 5 of 5. Subscribe:

Because You're Worth It, Metafilter.

How about a "Donate/Subscribe" link in the main menu of the site? As it stands now, if a user happens to hide the "Help Fund Metafilter" link at the top of the page, it disappears, never to be seen again. I don't think it's unseemly to make the option to support the site monetarily a little more visible and persistent.
posted by killdevil on Jun 1, 2014 - 69 comments

How do I get a heads-up on new comments to an FPP I didn't post?

Can I subscribe to a specific FPP in order to get email notification when a new comment appears? [more inside]
posted by tzikeh on Jul 14, 2008 - 13 comments

Variable TAG_NAME error

When I try to subscribe to tag associated with a Metafilter post, I get this error: Variable TAG_NAME is undefined.
posted by hwestiii on Mar 11, 2006 - 2 comments

subscribe to the comment threads

So, I'm addicted to Ask, aka the green.

What I really want to do is subscribe to the comment threads - when a new post occurs, I want someone to run into my office (my home, my bedroom, whatever) and shout up and down the answer is here. Or there was a followup question. (6 new) just doesn't help - especially if a thread a scrolled off page.

Or it could be a little link on the homepage (customized for me for threads I'm watching/participating in.)
posted by filmgeek on Nov 11, 2004 - 3 comments

Slashdot Songs

Slashdot song - I Won't Subcribe
posted by RobertLoch on Mar 7, 2002 - 5 comments

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